Wednesday, March 14, 2012

Lights Beach, Denmark

Like a vapour from the sea she appeared and floated in the wind. Her friend was down on the beach surfing. She carried a  small compact camera and was photographing him on the edge of the surf. There was sand between her toes.

I asked the feather if I could photograph her! Put my X100 to my eye. Nothing happened. A red light blinked. 'I think you've got a flat battery', she smiled.

Larry arrived on the scene. I can't remember asking him for his camera. It was more  a case of 'Stand and deliver'  as I wrenched the camera from around his neck. I didn't want to loose the moment. Thanks Larry! You're better than the RAC!

Monday, March 12, 2012

How lucky am I? Looking through my shots at Greens Pool, only this one had the light just right. Ten minutes before the glow where the sun went down blew the highlights. Canon 7D EF10 - 22 lens, 30 seconds at f/22 ISO100.

Wednesday, March 7, 2012

Pin-Hole Camera

T'is the night before Denmark Landscape Legends 2012. I built a Pin-Hole camera this afternoon. Drilled a hole in a body cap. Then drank a can of Coke and fashioned an aperture plate out of the Aluminium. Poked a hole through the Aluminium with a needle and fitted the body cap to a Fuji S5. 

A bit blurry, maybe I'll have to try a smaller needle ora  bigger box!


Capo d'Orlando

Saturday, March 3, 2012

The Fractured Filter

There's just one thing you may be short of at Landscape Legends 2012. SLEEP. With pre-dawn and post sunset shoots in the program and a bit of time allocated for eating, drinking and sleeping (as well as the odd photo workshop) sleep isn't in plentiful supply. Sleeping during workshops is strictly forbidden. Sleeping while eating is sometimes tolerated.

Since the very beginning of Landscape Legends , we've been giving out a daily award: 'The Fractured Filter' Award. Nominations are received each day concerning the behaviour of photographers.  Behaviour considered improper, extraneous, political and shameful are duly noted and the most worthy contender gets to wear the award for 24 hrs, including while they are asleep.

How to make a panorama

Have a look at this website for tips on making simple panos.